Independent study (plus 1-on-1 Coaching):
Courses begin on demand.
The Professional Sales Ready is designed for participants with a demonstrated commitment to learning and a strong interest in undertaking a career in professional sales.
The Professional Sales Ready: Sales Skills and Technology Master class is a real-world pre-apprenticeship that is linked directly to a variety of industry sales entry-level career pathways.
Students explore professional sales and learn sales skills through real-world employer role-play simulations. The 45-minute Chally Sales Assessment assesses student sales aptitude, competencies, and strengths and position their skills effectively for the professional and technology sales employment market. Students learn Salesforce customer pipeline technology, sales engagement platform, and sales planning activities to become successful in a professional sales role. Further, students will learn to assess their sales aptitude, competencies, and strengths to position their skills effectively for sales employment roles.
UMBC Training Centers
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